The last one I wrote

“Sweet as”.

That’s the way you like to remember me

Must be nice

To remember only the nice things.

You know I don’t pray

Or say that lord’s name

But I pray for you in vain

All the same

Sometimes, I think we were too alike

Cut too close

From the same fabric

That if things had been different

And you had had a lobotomy-

I’d always leave

And you’d always find something wrong with me. 

But we’ll always have New York

That bright July evening

At Washington Square Park

My heart racing underneath

The summer heat,

Cats heated in the dark.

Kissing between red lights,

Wondering if you might be my next green light.

Beat me to the punch

Cancel your plans with me,

Text me it’s just today,

Then say you’ve had enough.                

 Good thing last weekend

When I thought I was overthinking it-

It wasn’t my gut just acting up.

You’re now so stoic, gotten so tough,

Guess that veneer of sweetness

And desire to “slowly” build my trust

Was truly just a front.           

 Stop saying you’re sorry,

Sorry is as sorry does.

Spare me your “we shouldn’t”-

Just say “I can’t, I won’t face you”-

Give up the crutch, man,

Man- man the fuck up. 

If you’re only kind when you’re “feeling it”

Well, I guess then another one bites the dust.