You left me with no milestones to remember

No sweaters to return

Not a single picture to burn or untag,

No conversations to fondly look back on

No scar tissue to pick on

Just a lingering sadness that’s taken me months

To rinse off the sleeve from where

My heart once used to sit.

You left me with more questions than answers

The man always speaking in metaphor,

Left me with but a few words.

The vivid memories of the contortions of your face, ever irritable.

Your past in passive voice,

But always a run on sentence.

An ever looming figure, before me.

But I left you suddenly,


With resolve. 

I left you the way you were always afraid

Of keeping me, with commitment.

You were so afraid to be consumed

Or to be abandoned

That you never saw how slowly 

You were cementing me to walk away.

How every single abridge, built my case

And how slowly I was gathering embers

To start a fire,

Just so I could burn the bridge,

And keep it burnt.

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